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Shire progressing with trails project

Shire progressing with trails project
01 Aug 2023

The Shire of Harvey has taken the next step in developing iconic trails in the Harvey Region.

The Harvey Region Trails and Adventure Master Plan has already paved the way for the Shire of Harvey to take the next step in planning for the development of iconic trails in the Harvey Region.

Within weeks of the Plan being endorsed by Shire of Harvey Council, the Shire has received WA Trail Planning Grants Program 2022/23 funding to assist with planning for the Munda Biddi Harvey Spur Trail, identified as a key priority in the Plan.

In July, the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) confirmed $25,000 in funding to implement the standardised methodology of the eight- stage Trails Development Process (TDP).

The success of the application is due to the collaborative approach taken by the Shire in partnering with Alcoa of Australia, which provided matched funding of $25,000; the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attraction, providing in-kind support, and the Munda Biddi Foundation.

This support ensures trail developments across the State are well informed, substantiated and supported by a consistent planning approach.

Sport and Recreation Minister the Hon. David Templeman MLA said the increasing demand for trails across Western Australia meant it was important to provide the best trail experience to both locals and visitors.

"Tourism is now playing a more significant role in the development of trails, as visitors look for interesting, challenging, authentic and unique experiences as part of their holidays and travels,” Minister Templeman said.

"This investment in our trails has clear social and economic benefits for individual communities, regional tourism, and the State as a whole."

Member for Murray-Wellington the Hon. Robyn Clarke agreed.

“I’m so pleased the Shire of Harvey has received funding in the latest round of the Cook Labor Government’s WA Trail Planning Grants Program for the Munda Biddi Harvey Spur Trail.

“The Harvey Region Trails and Adventure Master Plan offers an incredible opportunity for residents and visitors alike to connect with the natural beauty of the area, and I’m excited that this funding will help the Shire take its next step in the development of the Region’s trails.

“By visiting Harvey trails, you are also supporting local business and contributing to the development and prosperity of the local community.”

Alcoa’s Willowdale Bauxite Mine Manager Craig Milward said his team were excited to see the Shire’s trail project progress.

“Alcoa is a long-term supporter of community capacity-building initiatives in the Shire of Harvey and is pleased to be able to support this early part of the development of the Shire’s trails and adventure strategy,” Mr Milward said.

“We look forward to ongoing consultation and involvement with the Shire and other key stakeholders as the strategy continues to roll out.”

Shire of Harvey President Paul Gillett thanked the State Government and Alcoa for their investment in job creating projects in the Region.

“The Harvey Region Trails and Adventure Master Plan has identified key priority trails that will capitalise on the momentum of nature and adventure based tourism and will be a good addition to the suite of unique trails experiences in the South West,” he said.

The Harvey Region Trails and Adventure Plan was made possible with co-funding from the Department of Primary Industry and Regional Development.

The Plan was developed by a Project Working Group that included the Hon. Robyn Clarke MLA and representatives from the Department of Primary Industry and Regional Development; Alcoa; Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions; Department of Local Government; Sport and Recreation; Harvey Aboriginal Corporation and South West Development Commission.