Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

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Forrest Highway Intersection Improvements

Forrest Highway Intersection Improvements
14 Aug 2023

In September 2023, Mainroads will begin construction of a new acceleration lane from Binningup Road to Forrest Highway northbound.

Binningup Road Acceleration Lane

In September 2023, Main Roads will begin construction of a new acceleration lane from Binningup Road to Forrest Highway northbound. 

This project is expected to be completed by late November and includes:

  • Separate free-flow left turn-lane for northbound traffic exiting Binningup Road to Forrest Highway.
  • Dedicated 700-metre acceleration lane on Forrest Highway northbound, enabling traffic to reach appropriate speed and merge safely with through traffic.
  • New line-marking, lighting and signage.

Planning is continuing for further northbound acceleration lanes from Forestry Road and Preston Beach Road, as well as intersection improvements at Myalup Beach Road. 

These additional works are expected to be completed in 2024.