Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

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Cathedral Avenue Shared Path Project Update

Cathedral Avenue Shared Path Project Update
03 Apr 2023

The Cathedral Avenue Shared Path Project is approximately 50 per cent complete.

The Cathedral Avenue Shared Path Project is approximately 50 per cent complete. 

The work involves upgrading 1700m of 2m-wide deteriorated pathway with wider 2.5m red concrete shared pathway.

 Backfilling works have commenced on the constructed concrete path. 

The Cathedral Avenue Shared Path Project is designed to improve connectivity by linking existing cyclist and pedestrian pathways in Australind. Infrastructure upgrades will also improve safety in the area.

It is jointly funded by the Shire of Harvey and the State Government through the Department of Transport.