Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

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Yarloop Workshops Update

Yarloop Workshops Update
10 Oct 2022

It is full steam ahead on construction of the Yarloop Workshops, with lots of activities happening on site.

A section of railway line through One Tree Park will be moved to Yarloop Workshops Interpretive Centre this month.

The railway line will be part of new landscaping taking place during Stage 1 of the Yarloop Workshops project.

Stage 1 also involves rebuilding steam workshops, a men’s shed, restoration of the vault as well as headworks and services to the site.

The timber frame for the Men’s Shed is now installed and framing for the Steam Workshop will get underway soon. 

Re-pointing to the brickwork on the Vault is underway, as well as minor structural repairs. 

The first stage of the project is focused on the rebuilding of the steam workshops, a men's shed and landscaping, restoration of the existing vault, as well as headworks and services supply to the site. Construction of the first stage of the Yarloop Workshops is expected to be completed by the end of the year. 

If you have any questions, please contact Manager Special Projects Pauline Pietersen on 9729 0351.