Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

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Fantastic FOGO Facts

Fantastic FOGO Facts
11 Oct 2022

Shire of Harvey FOGO bins have made an extraordinary environmental impact.

The Shire of Harvey is thrilled to announce results from the FOGO initiative.

FOGO is part of our three bin system and was rolled out three years ago. 

It stands for Food Organics, Garden Organics. 

So far under FOGO, Shire of Harvey saved 18, 835.74 tonnes of organic waste from landfill and about 9, 418 tonnes of CO2 was avoided.

That's comparable to cancelling 6, 450 domestic flights from Perth to Sydney or removing 1, 108 petrol cars for three years.

It's also comparable to switching 664 households to 100 per cent renewable energy for three years.

To absorb 9, 418 tonnes of CO2 you would need to plant and protect 74 hectares of land for at least 25 years!

These statistics were calculated through collaboration with Carbon Positive Australia and findings from short report: The benefits of using compost for mitigating climate change.

The report was produced by the New South Wales Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water. 

Click here for more information about the Shire of Harvey FOGO initiative.