Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

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Mosquito Control Update

Mosquito Control Update
05 May 2022

The Shire's Health Team conducted the tenth mosquito treatment concluding the mosquito management program for this financial year.

It was another busy year for mosquitoes with high temperatures and frequent high tide levels contributing to mosquito breeding.

The Shire’s Health Team conducted 10 aerial mosquito treatments for this financial year, with each of them achieving more than an 80 per cent kill rate. A total of 360ha was treated, with an average area per treatment being around 35ha.

The Shire of Harvey has a comprehensive mosquito management program in place involving monitoring and treatment. The program generally operates from late August to April each year. As the temperatures warm up again during spring, we will resume our surveillance of all the breeding sites and organise treatments as soon as we find that they are needed.

The Shire’s Health Team is reminding residents to remain vigilant about mosquitoes. Please visit Fight the Bite website for some tips about how you can help keep mosquito breeding low around your home.