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New Harvey Region Tourism Advisory Group Announced

New Harvey Region Tourism Advisory Group Announced
29 Jun 2022

Shire of Harvey announced members to form the inaugural Harvey Region Tourism Advisory group to bring tourism to the front of mind.

The Harvey Region will have a new Tourism Advisory Group (TAG) from 1 July 2022 with seven highly regarded industry and community professionals appointed to take on an advisory role.  

Shire of Harvey President Paul Gillett announced the appointments after an extensive expression of interest nomination process.

Three community and four tourism professionals with impressive business, tourism, and community experience will join two councillors from the Shire of Harvey.

The new Advisory Group’s role is to establish Tourism as front of mind within the Shire of Harvey and the Harvey Region by applying a collaborative lens to destination development, marketing, events, industry support, and visitor servicing.

The appointments include:

  • Former Director of WA Screen Academy and owner of Brunswick’s Melville Park, Barbara Connell;
  • Local artisan and Australind business owner, Christine Mogg;
  • Geographe Wine Association Secretary and Harvey River Estate tourism operator, Juliette Sorgiovanni;
  • Western Australian and Lake Brockman tourism operator and past media presenter Sonia Bennett;
  • Brunswick Junction CRC Manager with a Masters in Tourism, Conservation and Sustainable Development, Tina Wallis;
  • Business Edge founder and business coach Julie Broad
  • Harvey Olive Grower and Monash House Property Group and Heritage Real Estate Developer Tessa Bontempo.

In April 2022, the Shire of Harvey Council nominated Councillors Amanda Lovitt and Wendy Dickinson as Council representatives on the group. Shire Chief Executive Officer Annie Riordan is also a member of the group.

The first TAG meeting will occur early August.

Comments attributed to Shire of Harvey President Paul Gillet:

"The formation of the Harvey Region Tourism Advisory Group marks the start of a new era in Tourism for the Harvey Region.

“I am delighted to have appointed such highly credentialed members with both practical and strategic skills and experience when it comes to the development of tourism and related activities.

“Advisory Groups are a key component of the aspirations set out in the Shire’s Community Engagement Policy. They bring key stakeholders together to advise the Shire on strategies and policies, and on community needs within the Harvey Region.

"I look forward to future outcomes under this group's guidance.”

View the Group's Terms of Reference.