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Living Legend Turns 100

Living Legend Turns 100
05 Jan 2022

An incredible milestone was celebrated today at LLC as the Living Legends program member turned 100.

It was a very special birthday celebration this morning at Leschenault Leisure Centre as one of the Living Legends program members, Ms Vanda Murray, turned 100!

Ms Murray joined the program 15 years ago and comes to the centre for a workout three times a week. 

Ms Murray celebrated her birthday after the morning workout at the gym with champagne and cake, surrounded by her daughters and friends. Shire President Paul Gillett, staff, and Living Legends program members also joined in the celebration.

Ms Murray said the secret to a long and healthy life is eating a lot of garlic, exercising and drinking champagne.

We wish Ms Murray a very happy birthday and many more happy and healthy years ahead.

The Shire of Harvey recognises the value of physical exercise and fitness for people aged 80 years and over. Complimentary membership is offered to participants for access to the Centres aquatic and gymnasium facilities once they reach the 80-year milestone.

To learn more on how to improve and maintain your physical and mental fitness please contact the Leschenault Leisure Centre on 9797 4000 or visit the LLC website.