Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

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Alcoa Harvey Sustainability Fund Advisory Committee

Alcoa Harvey Sustainability Fund Advisory Committee
14 Feb 2022

Nominations are now open for two community representative positions on the Alcoa Harvey Sustainability Fund Advisory Committee.

Nominations are now open for two community representative positions on the Alcoa Harvey Sustainability Fund Advisory Committee.

The role of the Alcoa Harvey Sustainability Fund Advisory Committee is:

  • To set the objectives for, build and allocate funds from the Fund for the benefit of the local community within the framework of the Deed of Agreement.
  • To review and recommend applications to Shire to receive grant funding in line with the objectives of the Fund.
  • To promote the Fund throughout the region by.
    • outlining the funding opportunity and emphasising the intent of the Fund; 
    • facilitating increased knowledge of community development and sustainability; and
    • to remain abreast of key issues and needs in the community.

Community representatives for the Advisory Committee will be selected using the following criteria:

  • Passion, enthusiasm and commitment to the objectives of the Fund.
  • Skills that contribute to a well-balanced Advisory Committee.
  • Broad regional outlook.
  • Highly respected within the community.
  • Excellent community networks. 
  • Technical knowledge and expertise in the Fund's areas of interest.
  • Demonstrated affinity to the local region surrounding Wagerup refinery.
  • Good understanding of sustainable development in regional areas.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Any other criteria which the Shire and Alcoa may deem appropriate for the time and community.

Nominations close Tuesday, 8 March 2022.


Find out about the Alcoa Harvey Sustainability Fund.