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Supporting Leschenault Men's Shed

Supporting Leschenault Men's Shed
22 Dec 2022

Lotterywest has approved a $366,878.00 grant for Leschenault Men’s Shed.

Leschenault Men’s Shed will soon support a greater number of Australind seniors thanks to a $366, 878. 000 grant from Lotterywest.

The grant will fund the facility’s goal to double in size and pay for construction and fit out costs.

It will also allow Leschenault Men’s Shed to partner with Australind Lions’ Club and welcome them into the facility.

The money is in addition to $60,000 in funding from the Shire of Harvey, $50,000 earned from fundraising activities and a $50,000 commitment from Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier and Member for Collie-Preston Jodie Hanns MLA.

Ms Hanns visited the Leschenault Men’s Shed on Tuesday, December 20 for an official cheque presentation ceremony with Leschenault Men’s Shed and Shire of Harvey representatives.

The ceremony was her first event as Parliamentary Secretary representing Western Australian Premier Mark McGowan.

Shire of Harvey President Cr Paul Gillett said Leschenault Men’s Shed was an important part of the community that had been looking to grow in size since 2019.

He said it was fantastic to see the Men’s Shed meet its funding goals.

“Leschenault Men’s Shed is one of my favourite success stories,” Cr Gillett said.

“They have done wonders for the wellbeing of local men and they also have initiatives to support women, so they’re a real credit to our community.

“The Shire of Harvey was proud to support the Men’s Shed expansion goals and support the highly dedicated and organised team who raised a huge amount of money on their own.

“I also want to thank Lotterywest for this grant and for supporting important projects around the Shire.

“This is all very good news – congratulations to Leschenault Men’s Shed!”

Cr Gillett said supporting the Men’s Shed expansion was part of the Shire of Harvey’s Age Friendly Strategy 2022-2027.

The Strategy outlines plans to develop an age-friendly community where opportunities for participation, health and wellbeing are enhanced for older people who live in and visit the Shire.

The Strategy focuses on eight key areas, including: Active Ageing;  Mobile and Connected; Housing; Healthy Connections; Respected and Valued; Civic Participation and Employment; Inclusive Information and Health Services Support.