Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

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Christmas in the Shire of Harvey

Christmas in the Shire of Harvey
01 Dec 2022

Check out December events within the Shire of Harvey

Christmas has come early at Shire of Harvey Libraries with a number of excellent events planned for December.

The Libraries will be celebrating end-of-year Storytime sessions, hosting a visit from Santa, face painting children (and maybe some parents!) and having fun! 

Meanwhile, Harvey Recreation and Cultural Centre and Leschenault Leisure Centre are also jumping on the festive bandwagon with a variety of great events.

From Morning Melodies and Skate Nights, there will be plenty to do at the HRCC and LLC this Christmas.

Stay up to date with latest events by checking out Shire of Harvey Events page and don't forget to like and follow on Facebook.