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Harvey Region RV Friendly Trial

Harvey Region RV Friendly Trial
31 Aug 2022

Community members are invited to have their say on the introduction of an RV Friendly Trial.

Community members are invited to have their say on the introduction of an RV Friendly Trial that could have an economic benefit to the local community.

At its Ordinary Meeting on Tuesday, 23 August 2022, Council endorsed the implementation of the Community Consultation Phase of the Harvey Region RV Friendly Trial Plan.

This initiative is a direct action from the Harvey Region Tourism Roadmap 2031, released in December 2021, that identified the opportunity for increasing the visitor economy by attracting the self-contained recreational vehicle (RV) market for short-stay periods at various dedicated locations within the Harvey Region.

The concept for the Harvey Region RV Friendly Trial is proposed to allow RV travellers to stay free, for a short period, at dedicated sites with existing RV facilities such as dump points and potable water. This will enable the Shire to monitor and evaluate the impacts (whether positive or negative) before considering the concept for the longer term.

RV travellers must meet the definition of fully self-contained to utilise these areas. To be considered fully self-contained vehicles, they must be fitted with on-board facilities such as toilets and sinks. If vehicles do not meet these criteria, they will need to use established caravan parks.

Shire of Harvey President Paul Gillett said there was an opportunity to grow the local economy through providing a stopover for travellers.

“The Harvey Region has a severe lack of diverse accommodation options and the development of most accommodation styles requires long lead times and substantial resources,” Cr Gillett said.

“By utilising existing infrastructure and providing RV-friendly rest areas for travellers, it would grow the local visitor economy.

“RV travellers need a designated overnight rest area that provides a dump point, potable and non-potable water and a place to park, ideally located close to shops and services.

“This would be an inexpensive accommodation option which could be achieved in the near future.”

To find out more, view the Harvey Region RV Friendly Trial Implementation Plan.

The survey is open for public comment until 9am Monday, 26 September 2022. 

Complete the survey online. 

Hard copies of the survey are available at Australind and Harvey Administration Centres. 

We will be hosting workshops in different locations in the Shire to further engage with the community. If you have any questions regarding the proposed Harvey Region RV Friendly Trial Plan, make sure to attend one of the following workshops: 

  • Wednesday, 14 September from 5.30pm to 6.30pm at Harvey Chamber Meeting Room.
  • Monday, 19 September from 5.30pm to 6.30pm at Australind Chamber Meeting Room.
  • Tuesday, 20 September from 5.30pm to 6.30pm at Brunswick Junction Community Resource Centre. 
  • Wednesday, 21 September from 5.30pm to 6.30pm at Yarloop Community Resource Centre.