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Funding Secured to Celebrate Sporting Culture

Funding Secured to Celebrate Sporting Culture
01 Aug 2022

The Shire has secured funding for a one-day sporting event to be held on Saturday, 5 November at Leschenault Recreation Ground.

The Shire of Harvey was successful in obtaining a regional sports grant of $41,500 from the Australian Sports Commission to celebrate sporting culture within the Shire and launch the first Sport and Recreation Strategy.

The funding will support a one-day, family-friendly sporting event called SportDaze which will be held at the Leschenault Recreation Ground on Saturday, 5 November.

Shire of Harvey President Paul Gillett said the event would celebrate our wonderful sporting teams and showcase the array of sports on offer in the Shire of Harvey.

"This is a community event that will bring people from all corners of the Shire together," Cr Gillett said.

"We are excited to be planning a sporting event that will showcase the Leschenault Recreation Ground which will be activated during the day by local sporting clubs through workshops and activities and will culminate with an outdoor cinema and food truck event in the evening."

Cr Gillett said he was looking forward to sharing the Sport and Recreation Strategy and Masterplan for the grounds which will be launched at the event.

We encourage you to stay tuned over the next few months as we plan this exciting event, more information will be available on the Shire’s website over the coming weeks.