Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Wastewater Scheme Maintenance Works in Australind

Wastewater Scheme Maintenance Works in Australind
28 Sep 2021

Water Corporation contractors will soon start work to clean and investigate sewers in Australind.

Water Corporation will be carrying out wastewater scheme maintenance in Australind from the end of September 2021 to the end October 2021.

This work is necessary to ensure the integrity of the sewer system in order to reduce the likelihood of wastewater overflows.

CCTV cameras will be lowered into the sewers via existing access chambers providing the ability to view the pipe condition and any blockages.

This work will have a low impact on the community. Residents may notice activity in the area, a low rumbling noise coming from drains and a temporary odour. 

Where possible, work will be confined to public areas, however, if blockages are encountered, it may be necessary to enter access chambers on private property. Residents will be notified in advance if entry to their property is required.

Where required, traffic management will be in place to direct people safely around the work area.

For more information, please contact Water Corporation Project Manager, Ben Colbran on 9791 0411.

Water Corporation faults, emergencies and security – 13 13 75 (24 Hours).