Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

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The Shire Welcomes New and Returning Councillors

The Shire Welcomes New and Returning Councillors
19 Oct 2021

Newly elected Councillors were sworn in at a Special Council Meeting on Monday, 18 October.

Newly elected Councillors Michelle Campbell, Michelle Boylan, Paul Gillett, Wendy Dickinson, Joe Capogreco and Dakota Krispyn were sworn in at a Special Council Meeting on Monday, 18 October 2021.

The Shire Council also voted in the new leaders with Councillor Paul Gillett re-elected as Harvey Shire President and Councillor Michelle Campbell taking on the role as Deputy Shire President.

Councillor Paul Gillett said it was encouraging to know he had the support of the community after being re-elected for his second term.

“I thank you for your support and look forward to continuing working with this exceptional Council to create positive outcomes for the community now and into the future,” Cr Gillett said.

He welcomed new Councillors Joe Capogreco and Dakota Krispyn to Council and said: “Welcome aboard, I’m sure you’ll enjoy being part of a cohesive and forward-thinking team working on our current and upcoming projects.”

Cr Gillett thanked outgoing Deputy President Francis Burgoyne for commitment to the Council over the past two years.

He also acknowledged retiring Councillors Derrick Simpson and Bill Adams thanking them for their dedication and commitment to the Council during many years of service.  

Cr Campbell thanked the support of the community and Council after being re-elected for her second term and she was looking forward to filling the role as Deputy.

Councillors Michelle Boylan and Wendy Dickinson were also re-elected for another term.

View the results of the local government election held on Saturday, 16 October 2021.