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Destination Harvey Region set to Drive Tourism

Destination Harvey Region set to Drive Tourism
01 Oct 2021

The Shire is committed to grow the $46.8M local visitor economy by the establishment of a Destination Harvey Region Business Unit and Tourism Advisory Group.

In January 2021, the Shire commissioned a leading tourism place-maker, We Are Best, to consult with our community and stakeholders and provide strategic advice.

The Harvey Region Tourism Strategic Report 2021 was developed as an informing document for Council. The report recommended that Council conducts a feasibility study into bringing tourism inhouse to reduce overlap, brand confusion and to remove silos within tourism development and promotion.

Shire of Harvey President Paul Gillett said the community surveys revealed that the Shire should focus more heavily on tourism and changes were required within the sector.

“We have listened intently and are directly responding to feedback,” Cr Gillett said.

In a staged roll-out, a new Destination Harvey Region business unit will focus on industry-leading destination marketing, tourism development and investment attraction, industry support, major events, and visitor servicing through improved signage, wayfinding and distribution of marketing collateral.

A new Harvey Region Tourism Advisory Group will connect the business unit with local industry and leading tourism stakeholders. 

Current funding arrangements with the Harvey Districts Tourist Bureau Inc. (HDTB) will end on 31 December 2021 with the new business unit starting in January-February 2022.

Cr Gillett said the Shire was looking forward to the new opportunities the Destination Harvey Region business unit would bring while recognising past achievements.

“We would like to express our sincere gratitude to current and past HDTB Board members, staff and volunteers for their hard work and dedication to the Harvey Region.

“The Shire is now entering an exciting new phase in tourism with the aim to deliver a more visitor focused, economically beneficial and sustainable industry.”

The Shire is currently reviewing the Harvey Region Tourism Strategic Report 2021 recommendations in terms of feasibility and sustainability, with an Implementation Plan scheduled for release in late December 2021.

Find out more about the new business unit and the Shire’s commitment to tourism in the Destination Harvey Region frequently asked questions.