Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

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Community Achievement Awards

Community Achievement Awards
20 Oct 2021

The Shire's Access and Inclusion program was presented as a Finalist at the 2021 Western Australian Community Achievement Awards.

The Shire's Access and Inclusion program was presented as a Finalist in the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries Making a Difference Award, by Hon John Carey BA MLA, Minister for Housing; Local Government at the 2021 Western Australian Community Achievement Awards Gala Presentation Dinner held at Hyatt Regency Perth on Friday, 15 October.

The award recognises collaborative efforts by Local Governments to ensure positive outcomes for WA’s regional communities. 

Earlier this year, the Shire conducted a full review of the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2017-2022. The goal was to provide key insights to access and inclusion issues and create a roadmap to becoming the most accessible community in regional Western Australia. Led by the Shire’s Community Development Team, the engagement included an Access and Inclusion Summit, Co-Design Workshops and a trial of the Access and Inclusion Ambassador Program. The Summit, a first in the South West Region, was attended by 64 local residents in person and online.

Find out about the Shire's Access and Inclusion.