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New Drinking Water Fountain Installed in Harvey

New Drinking Water Fountain Installed in Harvey
30 Jun 2021

A drinking fountain has been installed in the heart of Harvey, providing residents and visitors with Harvey water on tap.

A drinking fountain has been installed in the heart of Harvey, providing residents and visitors with Harvey water on tap.

The drinking fountain is an initiative of the Harvey Mainstreet Committee and supported by the Shire of Harvey, the Rotary Club of Harvey and Harvey Water.

The drinking fountain has been selected to accommodate the different needs of Harvey residents and visitors with a water spout, two bottle refill stations and a dog bowl.

The project aims to reduce plastic waste and minimise Harvey’s environmental footprint by decreasing the number of single-use plastic water bottles used each year.

Shire of Harvey President Paul Gillett said this was a great initiative which was in line with Council’s single-use plastics policy which was adopted in April.

“It is important we promote actions that prioritise avoiding single-use plastics and that we substitute single-use items for reusable alternatives wherever possible,” Cr Gillett said.

“This is a great initiative which has been instigated by the Harvey Mainstreet Committee and I thank everyone for their involvement in making this possible."

“We hope the community and visitors to the area enjoy using the water fountain.”

Harvey Mainstreet Committee President Joe Capogreco said he hoped the water fountain would encourage people to reduce their single-use plastics.

“The drinking fountain provides free access to one of Harvey’s natural resources: its water and we hope that people will join the world-wide movement to reduce plastic waste,” Joe said.

“Each year 660 thousand tonnes of plastic waste is created by Australians and we all need to do our bit to reduce this alarming quantity,” he said.

“This is a piece of street infrastructure which can be used by all the community and adds additional services to the people of Harvey.”

Find out about the Shire's Single-Use Plastics Policy