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2021 Community Awards

2021 Community Awards
14 Jun 2021

The winners of the 2021 Community Awards were announced on Friday, 11 June at Yarloop Community Resource Centre.

The winners of the 2021 Community Awards were announced at the Shire’s annual Community Awards Dinner on Friday, 11 June at Yarloop Community Resource Centre.

The annual event celebrates the achievements of individuals and groups that make a valuable contribution to our community.

Shire of Harvey President Paul Gillett said the recipients were local individuals and groups that have made an exceptional contribution to our community.

“With an ongoing commitment to serve our community, our award winners have made an exceptional contribution to our community and their input deserves to be highlighted,” Cr Gillett said.

“Tonight highlights what a great community we have. Congratulations to the amazing community members for the contributions you have made”.

The 2021 Community Awards winners are:

Meritorious Service Award - Ester Italiano

For over forty years Ester has shown an ongoing commitment to serve her local community. Her significant contributions include coordinating the inaugural Harvey Community Dinner, fundraising for the Starlight and Leukaemia Foundations and the World's Greatest Shave, amongst others. Ester has served in various capacities on committees in Harvey including at St Anne's school, sporting organisations and she is the current President of the Parish Pastoral Council of Our Lady of Immigrants Catholic Church. As a Harvey representative of the global organisation Business and Professional Women, Ester has delivered presentations to students in several schools.

Appreciation Award - Elder Lesley Ugle

Lesley has led by example in her attempts to provide genuine reconciliation in our community through making strong relationships, informing the community on why it is important to recognise the traditional owners and celebrating the rich cultural diversity and history of the first people.

Appreciation Award - Greg Campbell

Greg has shown extensive commitment to serving his community over the past 22 years and continues to do so. He has made significant contributions to organisations such as school P&Cs, Settlers Play Group, Leschenault Bush Fire Brigade, Leschenault Progress Association and Lot 208 Youth Inc amongst others.

Community Group Award - Leschenault Progress Association

The Leschenault Progress Association (LPA) was established in 1993 with the intent of bringing the community of Leschenault together. The LPA manage the Settlers Hall and run several Community Quiz Nights and the Leschenault Community Days. The LPA has also advocated for improved footpaths, better internet service, installation of bike paths and the extension of the Bunbury City Transit service to Galway Green on behalf of the community.

Find out more information about Community Awards.