Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Waste Collection Over Christmas and New Year

Waste Collection Over Christmas and New Year
14 Dec 2021

There will not be any changes to the waste collection schedule over the Christmas and New Year period.

As Christmas Day and New Year's Day both fall on a Saturday, there are no impacts to the bin collection services over the Christmas and New Year period. Please leave your bins out as usual on your normal collection day.

Please note that the Stanley Road and Richardson Road Waste Facilities will be closed on Christmas Day 2021 and New Year's Day 2022.

Post-Christmas clear out

The festive period can generate additional household waste. Here are some sorting tips:

  • Cardboard and wrapping paper can be put in both the recycling and FOGO bins. Please remember to remove all plastic and tape before placing in these bins.
  • Christmas decorations like tinsel, beads and other decorations should be placed in to your general waste bin or, better yet, save them to use it again year after year. 
  • Serviettes should be placed in your green-lidded FOGO bin.
  • Broken Christmas/ fairy lights should be placed in your red-lidded general waste bin.
  • Styrofoam should be placed in your red-lidded general waste bin.
  • Soft plastic bags and plastic wrapping should be taken to a REDcycle drop off point.

Check your bin collection day.