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Council Endorses Next Stage of Harvey Community Precinct Project

Council Endorses Next Stage of Harvey Community Precinct Project
22 Dec 2021

Council has endorsed to complete the master plan concept and briefing stage for the Harvey Community Precinct project.

The Shire undertook a six-week consultation process during June, July and August 2021 to obtain community feedback on the draft master plan for the proposed Harvey Community Precinct.

On Tuesday, 21 December 2021 the Shire of Harvey Council endorsed to complete the master plan concept and briefing stage for the Harvey Community Precinct project.

Shire of Harvey President Paul Gillett said the Harvey community precinct master plan is a dynamic long term planning document that provides a framework and a vision for the future growth of Harvey.

 “This is an ever-evolving document which is used as a guide for the staged development of the site,” Cr Gillett said.

“The current master plan allows for flexibility for all areas to be amended during the concept and brief stage.

“All facilities will be discussed in detail with stakeholders to finalise their area allocation, volume allocation, needs and relationship allocation.

“The precinct is designed to cater for the Shire’s current and future needs, for use by our children and grandchildren.”

Council requested the establishment of a Harvey Precinct Community Reference Group. Nominations to be part of the reference group will be invited from members of the community towards the end of January 2022.

In addition, Council requested Tender preparation to progress the project into design development and documentation.

The development of the Harvey Community Precinct will be staged. Construction of the first phase of the precinct is planned to start in 2023.