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Australind Jetty Remains Closed to the Public

Australind Jetty Remains Closed to the Public
09 Dec 2021

The Shire has been liaising with Department of Water and Environmental Regulation to request that the facility will be reopened to the public.

Earlier this year the Shire, on behalf of the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER), erected fencing to restrict access to the Australind jetty boardwalk due to safety concerns.

The Australind jetty boardwalk is managed by DWER and since its closure, Shire Officers have been liaising with DWER to determine when the facility will be reopened to the public.

DWER undertook a detailed structural assessment of the infrastructure which identified significant structural issues requiring extensive remedial work before the facility is safe for public use. DWER have advised that they are still considering all options.

The Shire has been continually requesting that the facility be opened to the public, however as the care, control and management of the jetty and associated infrastructure is the responsibility of DWER, there is little the Shire can do but to continue to lobby to have the matter resolved.

Jodie Hanns MLA ​Member for Collie-Preston has started an online petition to save the Australind Jetty. You can sign the petition online