Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

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Yarloop Workshops Update

Yarloop Workshops Update
05 Aug 2021

The Yarloop Workshops are one step closer to reconstruction.

The Yarloop Workshops are one step closer to reconstruction after the original timber mill railway workshops were destroyed in the devastating 2016 Waroona-Yarloop bushfires.

The design stage for the facility is complete and includes changes and recommendations made during extensive community consultations and workshops. The tender for redevelopment is currently being advertised and closes on 10 August 2021. We anticipate beginning the reconstruction once a successful tenderer is approved by the Council in September.

Stage one will focus on the rebuilding of the steam workshops, a men's shed and landscaping, restoration of the existing vault, as well as headworks and services supply to the site.

Find out about the Yarloop Timber Mill Railway Workshops Redevelopment.