Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Recycle Right App now Available for Shire Residents

Recycle Right App now Available for Shire Residents
18 Aug 2021

The Recycle Right app is a simple and convenient way of finding out which bin to put it in.

The Shire of Harvey has partnered with Recycle Right, the education arm of the Southern Metropolitan Regional Council (SMRC). Recycle Right encourages and assists residents and businesses in Western Australia to recycle, reduce waste and live more sustainably.

Not sure which bin to put it in? Download the free Recycle Right app!

The Recycle Right app is a simple way of finding out which bin to put it in. The detailed A – Z list of specific items tells you how to dispose of them properly.

The ‘Find My Nearest’ function allows you to find your nearest drop off or recycling facility for items such as batteries, car parts, building/demolition waste, hazardous household waste and more.

The app also features a helpful bin day reminder tool allowing you to set reminders, so that you never forget which bin goes out on what day for your area – no need to check which bins the neighbours have put out! 

You can download the free app for your iPhone, iPad or Android device by searching ‘Recycle Right’ in the App Store or Google Play. 

Find out about the 3 Bin FOGO System.