Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

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Mosquito Control Continues

Mosquito Control Continues
21 Apr 2021

Mosquito control has remained a priority for the Shire's health team, with the twelfth aerial treatment being conducted this week.

​​The Shire’s health team have conducted the twelfth aerial mosquito treatment for this financial year.

This week, 41 hectares was treated for mosquitoes between Buffalo Road and Point Douro, including Clifton Park.

Due to the tidal activity over the past nine months, more treatments have been required to be undertaken than usual.

​The number of WA reported cases of Ross River virus has exceeded the five year average.

The risk of contracting the mosquito borne disease still remains high, so we urge everyone to maintain their properties and take necessary precautions to avoid being bitten.

Here are some ways you can avoid being bitten:

  • Avoid outdoor exposure particularly around dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active
  • Wear long, loose-fitting and light-coloured clothing when outdoors
  • Apply a personal repellent containing diethyltoluamide (DEET) or picaridin evenly to any exposed skin (always follow the label instructions)
  • Ensure infants and children are adequately protected against mosquito bites, preferably with suitable clothing, bed nets or other forms of insect screening
  • Ensure insect screens are installed and remain in good condition
  • Use mosquito nets or mosquito-proof tents when camping or sleeping outdoors.

To reduce potential mosquito breeding around the home, residents should:

  • Dispose of all containers which hold water where mosquitoes like to breed;
  • Stock ornamental ponds with fish;
  • Keep swimming pools well chlorinated, filtered and free of dead leaves;
  • Fit mosquito proof covers to vent pipes on septic and rain water tank systems. Seal all gaps around the lid and ensure leach drains are completely covered;
  • Empty pot plant drip trays once a week;
  • Empty, clean and replenish your pet’s water bowl every day.

The Shire’s health team will continue to monitor the situation and will conduct further aerial treatments as required.

Visit Healthy WA for further information.