Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

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The Boundary Officially Open

The Boundary Officially Open
01 Dec 2020

Harvey's newest facility, The Boundary, located at the Harvey Recreation and Cultural Centre is now officially open.

New community facility in Harvey praised a success

The Boundary at the Harvey Recreation and Cultural Centre was officially opened on Friday, 27 November by Federal Member for Forrest Nola Marino and Member for Murray Wellington Robyn Clarke.

The facility will provide club rooms to a number of sporting organisations that previously didn't have a place to call home.

Shire of Harvey President Paul Gillett said sporting organisations in our Shire help build a stronger, healthier and safer community.

"This fantastic purpose built facility will provide increased opportunities for future club growth and will attract more outstanding cultural events to the Shire," Cr Gillett said.

"This project is the result of many volunteers fundraising efforts and support from the Shire to get this project off the ground, it is great to see.

"Congratulations to everyone involved who made this project possible and we look forward to seeing this facility well utilised and love by our community."

This project was made possible thanks to the State and Federal Governments, the Alcoa Harvey Sustainability Fund and the Shire of Harvey.