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Brunswick River Cottages Stage 2

Brunswick River Cottages Stage 2
04 Dec 2020

Improving services to older people by enabling them to age in place with the completion of affordable living units at Brunswick River Cottages.

Brunswick River Cottages Stage 2 was officially opened on 4 December by Member for Murray-Wellington Robyn Clarke and Shire of Harvey President Paul Gillett.

The eight new independent units at Brunswick River Cottages reached practical completion in June, with all units now occupied by residents.

The rental units are for over 65s and Aboriginal people over 55 and are part of meeting the aged accommodation needs in regional Western Australia.

"By retaining older people in our community and growing the population in Brunswick Junction it promotes sustainability into the future and improves the prospects for business growth and job opportunities," Cr Gillett said.

"The cottages will also help build the capacity in the town by retaining its seniors, many who are valued community volunteers and mentors."

There is currently a wait list for the units, showing a demand for this sort of living in the Shire.

A business case has been submitted to the State Government for Stage 3 to construct an additional 12 independent low cost living units and an integrated community centre at the Brunswick River Cottages site.

This project was made possible thanks to the State Government's Regional Aged Accommodation and Local Projects Local Jobs grants, the Shire of Harvey and the Brunswick River Cottages Management Committee.