Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

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Children's University Learning Destination

Children's University Learning Destination

Shire of Higher Learning 

Shire of Harvey Libraries are inspiring a new generation of academics through the Edith Cowan University Children's University Program.

The Program has transformed Shire of Harvey Libraries into Learning Destinations that deliver fun and educational activities with links to
courses taught at ECU. This includes activities related to science, engineering, computing, maths, performing arts, sport and health

At the Learning Destination, children’s learning hours are logged and they receive milestone stamps in their Passport to Learning.

At the end of each year, a formal graduation ceremony will be held to celebrate achievements.

The partnership with ECU’s Children’s University will connect Shire of Harvey Libraries to a network of 850 Learning Destinations across Australasia and encourage visitation from families across Australia, New Zealand and Mauritius.

The Children’s University WA Partnership is jointly delivered by Edith Cowan University, the University of Western Australia and Children’s University Australasia. 

To enroll in Shire of Harvey Libraries Children's University Program please email Childrens University on

Learn more on the ECU website.