Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

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Community Grant Program Guidelines

Project Discussion Sessions

We're offering personalised project discussion sessions in Australind and Harvey throughout February and March. It's the perfect opportunity to discuss your ideas with our Grant Officer and explore how our grants can support your organisation.

Book your session in Australind

Book your session in Harvey 

Funding Rounds

The Shire’s Community Grant Program opens in the following rounds, dates will be advertised on the Shire’s website:

Round One

  • Placemaking Grant
  •  Infrastructure Grant
  • Arts, Culture & Heritage Grant
  • Partnership Agreement

Applications for the Shire’s 2024 Community Grant Program round one are now closed. Applications will open again in March 2025. 

All Year Round

  • Community Support up to $1,000
  • Athlete Travel Subsidy Scheme

Applications Open: July 2023. Applications Close: June 2024.

Items not considered for funding

  • Commercial organisations or activities. 
  • Projects restricted to private or exclusive participation.
  • Applicants who have not met conditions for previous Shire funding. 
  • Projects where multiple applications have been submitted across multiple categories for the same project in the same financial year. 
  • Projects which contravene the Shires’ policies. 
  • Applications with a political nature, or those that involve political activities. 
  • Projects unable to demonstrate support from the landowner. 
  • Fundraising activities. 
  • Projects already in progress will not be considered for funding.


To be eligible to receive grant funding from the Shire, applicants must:

  • Align the project with one or more of Shires Strategic Community Plan objectives. 
  • Discuss their application with the Shire’s Grant Officer prior to submitting an application to ensure you are applying in the most suitable category. 
  • Submit their application via the Smartygrants portal within a grant funding round. 
  • Submissions to be received by close of business day, no later than 4.30pm. Late submissions will not be accepted. 
  • Groups must be incorporated or be auspiced by an incorporated organisation. 
  • Auspiced applicants and not-for-profit organisations may match the funding to a maximum of 25% being in-kind services. In-kind must be calculated at $25/hour. 
  • Ensure proposed initiatives take place within the Shire of Harvey. 
  • Have the appropriate insurance and licenses to conduct the relevant work.

The below types of applicants are ineligible to apply to the Shire’s grant program:

  • The Commonwealth, State, local or any government agencies.
  • Applicants with outstanding debts to the Shire of Harvey. 
  • Applicants that have failed to provide satisfactory acquittal reporting for any previous Shire of Harvey funding. 
  • An applicant who has received funding from the Shire of Harvey for the same initiative within the same financial year or annual grant program.

Assessment Process

All eligible applications will undergo an assessment against the evaluation criteria outlined below. 

  • Alignment to the Shire’s Strategic Community Plan and Grant Objectives - 20% 
  • Demonstrated need for the project including achievable outcomes - 20%
  • Demonstrated innovation - 10% 
  • Demonstrated partnerships - 10% 
  • Value for Money - 20% 
  • Demonstrated eligibility, skills, experience and capacity of the applicant - 20%

This assessment will be undertaken by a panel of Shire Officers including Executive and Managers. Please note that applications which do not meet the closing dates or eligibility criteria will not be assessed.

Following the adoption of the Shire’s Annual Budget, all applicants will be notified by the Grants Officer of the outcome of their application.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I assume my project will be funded if it has been funded in previous years?

The Shire is committed to ensuring the assessment process is fair and equitable. Recurring annual funding is not guaranteed.

How many times can I apply?

Applicants may apply for funding for several projects however each project may only receive funding once in each financial year.

How will I know if my application is successful?

Following the adoption of the Shire’s Annual Budget, all applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application.

How long does it take to receive funding after my project is approved?

Payment of funding will be made subject to Council approval.

I have lost a receipt that is needed for my acquittal, what can I do?

Please contact the vendor to see if you can get a replacement receipt or please provide a bank statement to demonstrate proof of expenditure.

I would like to apply for a grant but my activity falls outside of your timeline. Are there out of round grants?

The Athlete Travel Subsidy grant and Community Support grant (up to $1,000) are available all year round until the allocated funding pool is exhausted. The other funding opportunities must be applied for by the specified closing date.

What does in-kind mean?

These are items in your budget which have value but are given freely or at a reduced rate as goods or services instead of money. e.g. Volunteer time or loans of equipment. The value can be estimated if you had to pay for these items. e.g. 3 hours setting up @ $25 per hour = $75.

Our project has changed quite significantly since the proposal I submitted to the Shire of Harvey. Will we still receive our grant?

Please submit a written request to the Grants Officer for changes to be made prior to project commencement, as this will require approval by the panel who assessed the initial application.

Changes that make your project substantially different from the proposal recommended by the assessment panel and approved by the Shire of Harvey may mean the offer of a grant is rescinded and your grant funds will required to be returned.

My community event took place last month. Can I still apply for a grant?

Your event isn’t eligible if it has already taken place prior to approval being received. Check the eligibility criteria of the grant to see whether you can apply for another activity.

Please refer to the Shire of Harvey Community Grant Program Guidelines below for detailed information about the Grant Program and how to apply.