Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

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Homegrown Heroes Community Awards

Homegrown Heroes Community Awards

Homegrown Heroes Community Awards

Every community has its heroes—those selfless individuals and groups who go above and beyond to make a difference. The Shire of Harvey Homegrown Heroes Community Awards celebrate the extraordinary efforts of our local champions who dedicate their time, energy, and passion to enriching our community.

Whether they’re volunteers, advocates, mentors, or leaders, these inspiring individuals help shape the heart and soul of the Harvey Region making it a stronger, more connected, and a better place to live.

Join us in recognising and honouring our Homegrown Heroes. Nominate someone who has made a meaningful impact and help us shine a light on their outstanding achievements. There are four categories of Awards as follows:

Meritorious Service Award

This award is presented to a Shire of Harvey resident who has shown exemplary conduct, and made an exceptional contribution to community. As a guide, Meritorious Service Awards may be considered for persons who have made an outstanding contribution to one or more community organisations for a minimum period of 10 years.

Appreciation Award

Appreciation awards may be awarded to Shire of Harvey residents who have made a significant contribution to their local community for a minimum period of three years. 

Youth Award

The Youth award is for young people between 12 and 25 years of age who live in the Shire and have provided outstanding service to their local community over a number of years. 

Community Group Award

The Community Group award may be awarded to a community group or organisation that is based in the Shire of Harvey and has provided a significant contribution to the local community for a minimum of five years. 

Selection Criteria

Please note the following selection criteria for each award.


Must be a current resident of the Shire of Harvey.

Community Service

Include the following information:

  • Name of organisation(s) served.
  • Years of service.
  • Positions held.
  • Initiatives or projects instigated.


Briefly describe any important achievements that the nominee has been responsible for or made a significant contribution to whilst serving the community. Please note, these achievements cannot but due to paid employment.

Contributions and benefits to the community

Describe how the nominee’s contribution has benefitted the local and /or wider community.

Previous honours / awards

Include samples of press articles, awards, certificates etc.

For the Youth Award only: Leadership

  • Leadership / mentoring roles.
  • Role model for peers.
  • Encourages participation of peers.


Nominations for the Shire’s Homegrown Heroes Community Awards 2025 are  open.

To nominate a Homegrown Hero, complete the Nomination Form.

Nominate Now  

Previous Winners

Check our Shire of Harvey Homegrown Heroes 2024.

Awards Winners 2022
Award Winners 2022 (L - R): Seana Sloan, Julie-Ann Ford, Jennifer Maughan, Brian Kealley (Harvey Senior Citizens Centre), Kerry Morrison, Mia Nandapi, Julie Doyle (Binningup Surf Life Saving Club)
Award Winners 2023
Award Winners 2023 (L - R): Taarna Cam, Maureen Foss, Taya Larkman, Avani Shah (Lot 208 Youth Inc), Marion Lofthouse and Daryl Fishwick.
Award winners 2024 with Shire leadership (L-R) Back row: Robert Newby, Mark Talbot, Robert William George, Heidi Bibby, Paul Fonck. Front row: CEO Annie Riordan, Shire President Michelle Campbell, Annie O'Connor, Trish Welsh (on behalf of Peter Monagle), Tania Jackson.
Award winners 2024 with Shire leadership (L-R) Back row: Robert Newby, Mark Talbot, Robert William George, Heidi Bibby, Paul Fonck. Front row: CEO Annie Riordan, Shire President Michelle Campbell, Ann