The Shire of Harvey’s Advisory Groups aim to improve community engagement and inform the Shire of the needs and aspirations in the community.
Each Advisory Group has Community Representatives and Shire Executive Leadership representation.
Advisory Group meetings are open to the public. For further information, please contact the Community Development team on 9729 0300 or email.
Role of the Group- To advise the Shire of Harvey on the provision of equitable, sustainable and fit for purpose sports and recreation facilities and services.
- To advocate for Sport and Recreation in the community.
Objectives of the Group- To advise the Shire of Harvey on the development of equitable policies to determine funding support for sporting and recreation groups.
- To advise the Shire of Harvey on the development of equitable policies to determine the fees charged to sporting and recreation groups for the use of facilities.
- To advise the Shire of Harvey on the development of equitable policies to encourage colocation of clubs, minimise the duplication of facilities and minimise the annual service costs of facilities.
- To advise the Shire of Harvey on the reviews of sport and recreation services to ensure that they continue to provide value to the community.
- To invite guests to the Advisory Group meetings as required.
Meeting MinutesView current minutes.
Sports and Recreation Advisory Group Terms of Reference.