Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Co-Design Panel

A woman explaining her idea using her hands to describe what she is thinking

What is Co-Design?

The Shire of Harvey's Access and Inclusion Co-Design Panel brings together people with experience and understanding of disability to work collaboratively with Shire Officers on projects.

The Co-Design Panel will ensure accessibility standards are met across the Shire's projects.

Joining the Co-Design Panel

As a member of the Shire's Access and Inclusion Co-Design Panel you will be providing advice on key areas that match your area of expertise.

This includes:

  • Town planning. 
  • Building design.
  • Communications and information.
  • Activities and events.
  • Service design.
  • Inclusive Design, eg sensory and Dementia aware design.

Your insights will contribute to a greater awareness of access and inclusion needs within the Shire's projects.

What's involved?

  • Opportunities to develop key skill sets, eg reading building plans.
  • Providing advice on Shire projects in your chosen areas of expertise.
  • Communicating advice to Shire Officers involved in the project.
  • Celebration and acknowledgement of achievements.

The Shire's Access and Inclusion Co-Design Panel aims to provide flexibility in communication, which can be delivered in a variety of formats including in-person, via phone and email.

For more information, please refer to the Terms of Reference.

Register your interest

  1. Complete the Co-Design Panel Registration Form.
  2. The Shire's Access and Inclusion Officer will be in touch with you shortly to discuss your registration.
  3. A meeting will be set up with the Shire's Access and Inclusion Officer to discuss the best way we can work together.
  4. Your registration will go through a formal approval process.
  5. If approved, membership to the Co-Design Panel will be formalised for a one-year term.

More information and contacts

For further information and enquiries, please contact the Shire's Community Development Officer on 9729 0300 or via email.