Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Ambassador Program

Men and women living with disabilities standing in a group photo smiling

Would you like to make a difference in your community?

By joining the Shire's Access and Inclusion Ambassador Program you will have the opportunity to offer suggestions on how we can improve your local area for people living with disability.


What is an Access and Inclusion Ambassador?

  • A resident living within the Shire of Harvey.
  • Has lived experience with disability (either living with a disability or a support role).
  • Provides feedback to the Shire on access and inclusion issues within their local area.
  • Passionate about making a difference to their community.
  • Interested in increasing self-advocacy and leadership skills.

What is involved in the program?

As an Access and Inclusion Ambassador you will identify access and inclusion issues during your day to day life. The Shire's Community Development Officer will establish the most accessible way to communicate with you, including visiting you on site to assess reported feedback. Across the year, there will be opportunities to be recognised for your achievements and to develop leadership skills.

  • Identifying access and inclusion issues within your local community.
  • Communicating about access and inclusion issues with the Shire's Community Development Officer.
  • Assisting the Shire to identify potential solutions.
  • Celebrating achievements.
  • Developing self-advocacy and leadership skills.

How do I apply to become an Ambassador?

  1. Fill in the Expression of Interest Form or speak with the Community Development Team.
  2. The Shire's Community Development Officer will meet with you to find out how we can best work together.
  3. Formalise your interest to be a part of the program for a one year term.

More information and contacts

For further information, please contact Community Development Officer on 9729 0300 or email.