Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Accessible Communication

A woman wearing a pink jumper describing something on a mobile phone to a man with a disability

How can we communicate with you?

Providing accessible communication options is a priority for the Shire of Harvey. The Shire is currently working towards developing alternative communication methods to enhance service delivery to people with disability and access needs.

If you have any feedback in how we can develop alternative communication methods to better assist you, or a person that you support, please get in contact with the Shire's Community Development Officer.

Website accessibility

The Shire of Harvey is committed to making this website accessible for people of all abilities.

Our website has been designed in accordance with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) internationally recognised Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) guidelines and intends to conform to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level AA standard.

The Shire of Harvey aspires to Level AAA where  reasonably practicable.

Providing accessible information on our website is a priority for the Shire of Harvey.

If anything on this website is inaccessible to you, or you are experiencing problems accessing content for any reason, please contact the Shire's Community Development Officer.

Alternative communications

The Shire is currently working towards developing alternative communication methods to enhance service delivery to people with disability and access needs.

We highly value feedback from people living with a disability in our community. If you have any feedback in how we can develop alternative communication methods to better assist you, or a person that you support, please contact the Shire's Community Development Officer.

Provide feedback

If you would like to provide feedback on how we can improve accessible communications for Shire services, please contact Community Development Officer on 9729 0300 or email.