Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

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Access and Inclusion Summit

Keynote Speakers of the Summit with the Shire of Harvey CEO and Shire President smiling

Access and Inclusion Summit

The Shire's Access and Inclusion Summit launched our commitment to becoming the most accessible community in regional Western Australia. The Summit invited our access community, Councillors and Shire Officers to collectively work together to design an accessible future.

In April 2021 the Shire held an Access and Inclusion Summit at the Leschenault Pavilion Australind, and live streamed the event on the Shire's Youtube channel. The purpose of the Summit was to launch the Shire's ongoing commitment to becoming the most accessible community in regional Western Australia.

The Shire invited key speakers to deliver insightful talks and deliver a co-design workshop where people living with a disability, support workers, carers, service providers, key organisations, and Shire Councillors and Officers worked together to design an accessible future for our community.

Watch the Summit

The Shire of Harvey's Access and Inclusion Summit is available as a live recording with the following speakers:

  • Cr Paul Gillett, Shire President
  • Annie Riordan, Shire Chief Executive Officer
  • Lesley Ugle, Elder and Director of Harvey Aboriginal Corporation
  • Ben Aldridge, 30 Foot Drop
  • Sash Milne, Human Centred Designer and Social Activist
  • Renae Haartman, APM Communities

Summit Co-Design Workshop

The Summit's Co-Design Workshop played a key role in identifying access and inclusion improvements across the Shire's services and infrastructure including:

  • Buildings and amenities
  • Footpaths
  • Recreation facilities and services
  • Communication and information
  • Activities and events
  • Employment and education

The feedback provided played a key role in the development of the Shire's Access and Inclusion Plan Even Better, Together 2021-2026.

Three people sitting at a table during a co-design workshop talking with each other about their insights

Co-Design Workshop Participants

Our community provided valuable feedback, including insight into what access and inclusion means to them.

"Having the opportunity to be offered a “seat at the table” and being able to get to the table, fit at the table, and feel comfortable and safe."