Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Aboriginal Organisations

There are a number of Aboriginal organisations operating within the Shire of Harvey.

These organisations aim to connect with Aboriginal people within the Shire, servicing their various needs and requirements.

If you wish to add your organisation, please email the Community Development team

South West Aboriginal Medical Services (SWAMS)

SWAMS is the only Aboriginal Medical Service in the South West region.

The main clinic is based in Bunbury, in addition to outreach clinics located in Brunswick Junction, Busselton, Collie, Harvey, Katanning, Manjimup and Narrogin.

Kwilenap, the Maternal and Child Health Clinic is based in Australind.

Services include general medicine, chronic disease management, midwifery, child and maternal health, immunisations, sexual and reproductive health, mental health services, playgroup, health education, youth programs, men’s and women’s health services and patient transport.


When: Tuesdays from 10am to 12noon.

Where: Brunswick Community Resource Centre, 1 Ridley Street, Brunswick Junction.


Phone: 08 9726 6000 or 1800 779 000 (free call).


Woolkabunning Kiaka Aboriginal Corporation

Woolkabunning Kiaka means “We’ve Been There, Left and Returned to Seven Hills”.

Woolkabunning Kiaka Aboriginal Corporation’s main purpose is to provide opportunities for guests and visitors to Roelands to interact with and learn about the Roelands Mission story and Aboriginal cultural heritage – while providing opportunities for Aboriginal people to take responsibility for their future.


Les Wallam  


Address: Roelands Village, 575 Seven Hills Road, Roelands WA 6226.

Phone: 08 97263 606 or 08 97263 224.


Harvey Aboriginal Corporation


Lesley Ugle 


Phone: 0497 672 513.

Follow Harvey Aboriginal Corporation on Instagram. 

Elder - Dennis Jetta

Dennis can be contacted regarding Welcome to Country Ceremonies, Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Training and Leadership Training.


Dennis Jetta


Phone: 0429 960 843.
