Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Roads, Paths and Drains

Report an issue

To report an issue with a road, path or drain please contact us.

Urgent issues

Any issues relating to road and pedestrian safety should be reported as soon as possible.

If you observe flooding that requires immediate attention please contact the Shire of Harvey Rangers on 9729 0300.


The Shire of Harvey’s road network comprises over 1,000kms of both sealed and unsealed roadsCouncil allocates funding each year to improve this extensive network.  The projects and priorities identified for improvement can be viewed on the Shire’s Forward Capital Works Plan. 

The Shire maintains its streets through an in-house team.  A street sweeper is deployed daily within town site areas and maintenance crews are always working to improve road surfaces.


The Shire undertakes the construction of new paths and renewal and maintenance of existing paths.


A detailed maintenance program schedules the regular cleaning, replacement and improvement of road drainage within the Shire.

Please note: Swale drainage within the road reserve or a property should not be back filled.  They serve an import drainage role and must remain functional. Swale drainage within the road reserve should be preserved by the property owner as a part of their regular verge maintenance.  This includes mowing and clearing any small debris.

More information and contacts

For more information about crossovers, verges, stormwater or street trees, please contact us.

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