Prohibited Burning Period until midnight 14 March 2025

All burning is prohibited during this period. For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies, visit Emergency WA.

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Drone Operation within the Shire of Harvey

Flying of Drones

As drones become more popular within the community, whether it is for personal or commercial use, it is imperative that they are used correctly and in line with the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) laws and guidelines. Civil Aviation Safety Authority is the government organisation that regulates drone use in Australia.

If you plan to fly a drone within the Shire of Harvey, please visit the Civil Aviation Safety Authority website or

Drone Safety Rules

Please refer to this Factsheet - Flying for Fun or watch the short video below on drone safety rules.

Where I Can Fly my Drone?

If you own a drone, it is essential that you are familiar with CASA’s drone weight categories and requirements, the drone safety rules, and strictly adhere to their rules and regulations.

CASA provide a list of verified drone safety apps that use location-based maps that show where a drone can be safely flown and in compliance with aviation legislation.

 View CASA's list of drone safety apps. 

Reporting Illegal or Unsafe Drone Use

If you see someone using a drone in an illegal or unsafe manner within the Shire of Harvey, you can report it to CASA. Offenders can receive large fines.

Breaches can be investigated where there is sufficient evidence, such as photographs or video recordings of the breach and the person controlling the drone at the time.

CASA is not able to investigate any privacy concerns or claims as their role is restricted primarily to aviation safety. 

Report drone use in the Shire of Harvey.