Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Shire of Harvey Community

Shire of Harvey Community

Our community

The Council believes the way we plan and deliver at the District level keeps us in touch with the real issues within our communities and allows us to respond proactively, both in the short and long term.

This is critical to successful governance and an engaged community.

Local Area Planning will help us to plan for the future growth and community services provision across a variety of geographically distinct areas, including:

  • Harvey district
  • Australind district
  • Leschenault district
  • Coastal district – Binningup and Myalup
  • Rural south – Brunswick district
  • Rural north – Yarloop district

Community demographics

The Shire is recognised as one of the fastest growing shires in Western Australia with an increase in population of 35.56% over 10 years or approximately 3.5% per annum.

In 2016 the estimated residential population for the Shire of Harvey was 27,723, an increase of approximately 16.1% over the past five years. It is estimated there were 10,120 households in the Shire in 2016. Female and male residents represent approximately 50% each of the population. The dominant household type is couple families with dependents. Population forecasts are that the Shire population will reach 32,567 by 2026.

Strategic Community Plan 2021 - 2031

Our vision

Together, towards an even better lifestyle.

Our values

We value:

  • Effective stewardship of our environment and heritage;
  • A safe community that has a strong community spirit and sense of belonging;
  • Effective communication and cooperation;
  • Strong leaders and fair decisions; and
  • Our heritage – acknowledging our history in creating our future.

We are committed to being an inclusive, enterprising and engaging community that:

  • Actively works together and respects each other;
  • Acts with honesty, integrity and fairness; and
  • Is open minded, approachable, tolerant and responsive.

Strategic directions

  • Diverse Economy: A diversified and thriving economy that offers a wide range of business and work opportunities as well as consumer choice.
  • Connected Communities: A safe, accessible and connected community where everyone has the opportunity to contribute and belong.
  • Protected Natural Environment: A natural environment that is highly valued, protected and enjoyed.
  • Sustainable Built Environment: A liveable, sustainable and well-designed built environment that is accessible to all.
  • Effective Civic Leadership: A representative leadership that is future thinking, transparent and accountable.

More information and contacts

For more information please contact us.

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