Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Waste Management Facilities

There are two waste management facilities located in the Shire of Harvey: Stanley Road Waste Management Facility, Australind and the Richardson Road Waste Management Facility, Harvey.

Stanley Road Waste Management Facility

Location and contact details

Stanley Road, Leschenault (off Forrest Highway).

Telephone 9797 2404.

Bunbury Harvey Regional Council (BHRC) manages the Stanley Road Waste Management Facility, which encompasses a waste transfer station.

You can view the BHRC website here

Opening hours

Monday - Sunday (7 days ) 8am - 5pm

Closed all public holidays.

Items Accepted

Please follow the link for items accepted by the BHRC facility (click here)

Containers for Change

Monday -  Saturday  8.30am to 4.30pm.

Sunday 1.00pm - 4.30pm.

Trash and Treasure Shop

Monday - Sunday & Public Holidays 8am to 4.30pm 


Richardson Road Waste Management Facility

Location and contact details

Richardson Road, Uduc (off Forestry Road).

Telephone  0418 461 125

Opening hours

Monday – Sunday (7 days): 8am – 4.30pm.

Closed on Good Friday, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.

Items accepted

The Richardson Road Waste facility accepts the following items for recycling and waste disposal:

  • Aluminium.
  • Asbestos (special conditions apply).
  • Building and demolition waste.
  • Car and truck tyres.
  • Car bodies.
  • Cardboard.
  • Electronic waste.
  • Fridges, freezers and air conditioners.
  • General waste.
  • Green waste.
  • Mattresses.
  • Rubble.
  • Sand and soil.
  • Special burials.
  • Steel and general metal.
  • Waste oil.
  • Wood and timber.

Waste disposal charges 2024/2025

Stanley Road Waste Management Facility

    Fees and charges (light vehicles)
    DescriptionFees and charges

    Light Vehicles - General Waste (Member Councils only)

    NB: Member Councils are those residents who reside in the City of Bunbury or the Shire of Harvey - proof of residence is required.

    Per car or station wagon$28.00
    Per utility or trailer (up to 1.8m x 1.2m)$40.00
    Per large utility or trailer (up to 2.1m x 1.2m) or trailer with sides exceeding 60cm$61.50
    Mattress (all sizes)$70.00
    Fridges - degassed with certificate$16.50
    Fridges - gassed or without certificate$22.00
    Couches (single or two seater)$33.50
    Couches ( three seater )$40.00
    Couches (suite, 2 or more pieces)$70.00
    Light Vehicles - General Waste (Non-Members) 
    Per Car or Station Wagon$45.00
    Per utility or trailer (up to 1.8m x 1.2m)$65.00
    Per large utility or trailer (up to 2.1m x 1.2m) or trailer with sides exceeding 60cm$98.00
    Mattress (all sizes)$80.00
    Fridges - degassed with certificate$22.50
    Fridges - gassed or without certificate$29.50
    Couches (one or two seater)$47.00
    Couches (three seater)$56.00
    Couches (suite, or 2 or more pieces)$99.00
    Light Vehicles - Green Waste 
    Per Car or Station Wagon$12.50
    Per Utility or Trailer (up to 1.8m x 1.2m)$21.00
    Per large utility or trailer (up to 2.1m x 1.2m) or trailer with sides exceeding 60cm$34.50
    Light Vehicles - Clean Fill/Rubble Waste 
    Per utility or trailer (up to 1.8m x 1.2m)$8.50
    Per large utility or trailer (up to 2.1m x 1.2m) or trailer with sides exceeding 60cm$15.50
    Above listed dimensions$18.50
    Fees and charges (heavy vehicles)
    DescriptionFees and charges/tonne
    Heavy Vehicle - Clean Fill - Suitable for daily cover and road building (per tonne - minimum charge $4.00)$1.60
    Other Disposals 
    Tyres - Motorcycle (per tyre - no rims)$14.50
    Tyres - Car (per tyre - no rims)$15.50
    Tyres 4WD  (per tyre - no rims - Truck tyres not permitted)$16.50
    Watercraft (up to 3 metres)$50.00
    Used Motor Oil (/litre) - maximum 100 litres$0.20
    Large Flat Screens/ Old Tube TV's (each)$7.00
    Desktop, Laptop computers (each)$6.00
    All other e-waste$5.00
    Compost Sales 
    Per Tonne$50.00
    20kg bag$5.00
    10kg bag$3.00
    Heavy Vehicles - Weighbridge 
    Organic Waste Per Tonne (minimum charge $95.00)$95.00
    Organic Waste per tonne - Member Council Only (minimum charge $78.00)$78.00
    Organic Waste with over 5% contamination - by volume (minimum charge $275.00)


    Richardson Road Waste Management Facility

    Fees and charges
    Description Fees and charges
    Light Vehicles  - General Waste  
    Per car or station wagon $25.00
    Per utility or trailer (up to 1.8m x 1.2m) $38.00
    Per large utility or trailer (up to 2.1m x 1.2m) or trailer with sides exceeding 600mm $58.00
    Light Vehicles - Green Waste  
    Per car or station wagon $10.00
    Per utility or trailer (up to 1.8m x 1.2m) $20.00
    Per large utility or trailer (up to 2.1m x 1.2m) or trailer with sides exceeding 600mm $30.00
    Other Disposals  
    Car bodies, trailers, small boats $50.00
    Bulk waste material per cubic metre (including contaminated green waste) $48.00
    Clean green waste per cubic metre (no logs or stumps) $26.00
    Clean green waste per cubic metre (with logs or stumps) $42.00
    Commercial Cardboard Disposal (per cubic metre or part thereof) $20.00
    Special burial  (asbestos) per cubic metre or part thereof $120.00
    E-waste per item (commercial, organisations and institutions) $15.00
    Degassing of white goods per item (eg. refrigerator, freezer) $20.00
    Building and demolition waste  (no gyprock or timber - maximum 500mm) per cubic metre $15.00
    Building and demolition waste (no gyprock or timber - over 500mm) per cubic metre $40.00
    Mattress disposal (per item) $55.00
    Tyres Variable
    Animal Carcass Disposal  
    Native animals <50kg (e.g. kangaroos/possums) $20.00
    Small animals (less than 50kg) $20.00
    Medium animals (up to 100kg) $45.00
    Large animals (101 to 300kg) $100.00
    Animals in excess of 301kg $180.00

    Tip passes


    Residences serviced with 240l mobile rubbish bins will receive a tip pass card with four (4) free entries. This is only for domestic waste disposed of by Light Vehicle - General Waste/Green Waste, as listed in the fees and charges above.

    The tip pass cards are valid until 31 August each year for a vehicle listed in the light category section only. 

    Tip pass cards must be shown to the attendant for counter punching.

    For ratepayers renting out their properties, please ensure that the tip pass card is passed onto the tenants.

    Commercial operators attempting to use these passes at the Stanley Road and Richardson Road facilities will be refused.

    Vacant landowners are not eligible for tip passes, only land with dwelling/s.


    Rural residents who have a habitable dwelling on their property and do not receive a kerbside collection service are eligible to receive a tip pass with 26 entries, equivalent to a fortnightly pick-up. A rural waste service charge applies (Shire of Harvey Schedule of Fees & Charges). This is only for domestic waste disposed of by Light Vehicle - General Waste/Green Waste, as listed in the above fees and charges.

    More information and contacts

    For more information about refuse sites and transfer stations, please contact us.

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