Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

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Landcare and Natural Resource Management

Landcare and Natural Resource Management (NRM) groups

Groups operating in the Shire of Harvey

Landcare and Natural Resource Management (NRM) groups operating in the Shire of Harvey include:

Regional Natural Resource Management groups

Regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) groups operate within each of the Western Australia’s seven NRM regions. These regions are based on catchments or bioregions and were established as part of the Natural Heritage Trust in 2002 to 2004.

Regional NRM groups work in partnership with all tiers of government, regional organisations, industry, landowners, researchers, environmental and community groups. They provide a community leadership role in their region, mobilise regional effort and ensure priority needs are addressed.

Each regional group has developed a regional strategy and investment plan that address significant NRM issues within their region. The plans incorporate environmental, social, and economic factors.

Shire of Harvey NRM regions

The Shire of Harvey lies within the following NRM regions:

  • South West Catchments Council – south
  • Leschenault Catchment Council – south sub region
  • Peel-Harvey Catchment Council – north.

South West Catchments

The South West Catchments Council has been the peak NRM for the South West since 2001. It works in partnership with community to ensure that iconic landscapes, waterways, coastline and agricultural land are protected for current and future generations.  Their mandate includes: project planning and delivery, capacity building and funding support, consultation, corporate stewardship and eco-tourism.

Leschenault Catchment

The Leschenault Catchment is one of six sub-regions within the South West that operates within the framework of the South West Regional Strategy for Natural Resource Management.

The Leschenault Water Catchment is the area that drains into the Leschenault Estuary. It spans over 467,000 hectares, and includes the Wellesley, Brunswick, and Collie river systems. A significant number of high conservation value wetlands, threatened ecological communities, rare flora and fauna and vegetation complexes that are poorly represented elsewhere also exist within the catchment.

Peel-Harvey Catchment

The Peel-Harvey Catchment encompasses an area of more than 1.1 million hectares and extends from the Peel-Harvey Estuary at Mandurah up to 150 km into the Wheatbelt.

Defined by the catchments of the Serpentine, Harvey and Murray Rivers, the catchment is host to extensive agricultural areas, residential populations, state forests, mining and an array of ecosystems across three distinct bioregions.

The catchment encompasses all of the Peel Region and parts of the Perth Metropolitan Region and Wheatbelt Region.

There are numerous projects currently being implemented within the Leschenault, Southwest and Peel Catchments aimed at improving the condition of waterway, estuary and marine habitats and their shorelines as well as the biodiversity of native bushland and forests.

More information and contacts

For more information about our natural environment, please contact us.

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