Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Cat Registration and Change of Details

Cat registration requirements

Under the Cat Act 2011, all cats above the age of six months must be registered, sterilised and microchipped.*

Upon registration, the cat must wear its registration tag ie. on its collar.

Current registrations can be transferred between most Shires within Western Australia.

*Exemptions: A cat can be exempt from microchipping if a certificate is issued by a Veterinarian stating that the implantation of a microchip in your cat may adversely affect its health and welfare. If you require exemption from sterilising your cat, please contact us.

Renew cat registration

Renew your cat registration online.

Register cat for the first time

First time cat registration cannot be done online as a signature and declaration from the owner is required.

To register your cat for the first time, please:

  1. Download and complete the cat registration form (see below)
  2. Submit the completed and signed form to the Shire of Harvey in person or by post, along with:
    • Fee payable (see fees below)
    • Microchip number
    • Certificate of sterilisation
    • Proof of pensioner concession (if applicable).

Cat registration fees

Sterilised cat fees1 year3 yearsLifetime
Standard fee$20.00$42.50$100.00
Pensioner fee$10.00$21.25$50.00

Cat sterilisation program

Residents can obtain up to two (2) cat sterilisation vouchers from the Shire of Harvey offices.

The vouchers can be redeemed at the following veterinary clinics:

  • Brunswick Veterinary Hospital: Call 9726 1070
  • Ninth St Veterinary Clinic: Call 9729 1915
  • Treendale Pet Medical: Call 9796 1388
  • Harvey Pets and Vets WA: Call 9787 2816

More information and contacts