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RV bays are here to stay

RV bays are here to stay
01 May 2024

Did you hear the great news? RV bays are here to stay!

The Shire of Harvey is ready to grab a greater share of the RV tourism market after free short-stay bays were officially endorsed during the April Ordinary Council Meeting.

The bays are available to each visitor for 48 hours and are located in strategic sites across Brunswick Junction, Harvey and Yarloop.

A site in Australind was initially trialled but later de-listed after community feedback.

Shire of Harvey President Michelle Campbell said Council decided to support the initiative after a 12-month pilot found 72 per cent of visitors spent $100 or more in the Harvey Region.

“We welcomed more than 400 visitors during the RV Friendly Trial and most people spent money on groceries and fuel,” the Shire President said. 

“Our findings show that free short-stay bays will be a significant boost to the visitor economy and help capture tourists we might not have previously convinced to stop and stay in the Harvey Region.

“We’re so excited about this initiative and will now investigate the possibility of securing RV Friendly Town status.”

The Shire’s Destination Harvey Region team will now ensure each site has adequate visitor wayfinding and is strongly marketed to Australia’s growing RV community.

Destination Harvey Region was established in 2022 to grow the local tourism sector.

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