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Art Stop

Art Stop
02 May 2024

Expressions of interest are now open for Art Stop!

Calling all artists!

Expressions of interest are now open for the Shire of Harvey's Bus Shelter Art Installation Project - Art Stop!

What is it?
The Shire of Harvey is inviting the community to have their original artwork installed on five new bus shelters. Each artwork will be photographed at high-resolution, reproduced and installed. Artworks submitted should  collectively celebrate our community, creating wellbeing, pride of place and civic identity.

Who can submit an Expression of Interest?
Local artists, art groups and school art groups!

What are the requirements?

  • Submissions must be original artwork, visually appealing and engage a broad audience.
  • Original artwork may be a drawing, painting or created using digital media or printmaking techniques. Works of photographs are not eligible.
  • Artwork must fit within or be able to be cropped to fit within the panel constraints.
    The panel measurements are:
    • Panel dimensions – 950mm x 1550mm
    • Visual area of each panel – 880mm x 1480mm

What is the selection process?
A panel of judges, including representatives from the Shire of Harvey and the local art community, will review the submissions and make a selection. 

Where are the bus shelters located?

  • Macquarie Drive, Kingston
  • Garfield Drive, Galway Green
  • Leisure Drive, Kingston
  • The Boulevard, Treendale
  • Lucy Victoria Drive, Australind 

What else do I need to know?

  • A licence to reproduce the artwork to be installed on one bus shelter shall be paid to the five selected artists/art group or school art group to the value of $500 per artwork.
  • The artist, art group or school art group shall be credited on the bus shelter installation as well as on marketing materials shared by the Shire of Harvey.
  • Technical guidance is available to ensure the successful reproduction of the artworks.

Oh and one more thing ...
The Expression of Interest deadline is Monday, 3 June 2024.  Selection notification will occur on Friday, 21 June 2024. The deadline to provide the artwork to the Shire of Harvey for high resolution photography is Monday, 15 July. 

Have a query? Reach out to

Submit an EOI