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New interpretive signage at Danjoo Koorliny Bridge

New interpretive signage at Danjoo Koorliny Bridge
15 Jul 2024

The Shire of Harvey has continued to memorialise the unique heritage of the Harvey Region with new interpretive signage.

The Shire of Harvey has continued to memorialise the unique heritage of the Harvey Region with new interpretive signage at the Danjoo Koorliny Bridge in Treendale.

The signage was unveiled on Friday, 12 July, at a special ceremony with Jodie Hanns MLA, Elder Dennis Jetta OAM, and leadership from the Shires of Harvey and Dardanup.

The sign, located on the Treendale side of the Danjoo Koorliny Bridge, provides a window into the lives and traditions of the Wardandi, Binjareb and Wilman peoples.

Shire of Harvey President Michelle Campbell said the messaging sits alongside vibrant artwork from Cassie Jetta that would be sure to catch the eye of community members and visitors.

“The sign is the final step in the Danjoo Koorliny Bridge project, which connects our Shire with Dardanup and was officially opened in 2018," the Shire President said.

“Danjoo Koorliny means Coming Together in Noongar and was named after close collaboration with Elder Dennis Jetta, the Shire of Dardanup, the South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council, the Gnaala Karla Booja Working Party, local Elders and the State Government.

“Mr Jetta first suggested the name and it is fortunate that we could engage his daughter,
Cassie, to finalise this project with our new interpretive signage."