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Spotlight on grant recipients

Spotlight on grant recipients
19 Oct 2023

The Shire of Harvey and Alcoa have given community groups a $417,997 boost!

Community groups will champion new and exciting projects in the coming months with support of the Shire of Harvey Grant Funding Program.

This Program helps locals improve infrastructure and create activities and events for families in the Harvey Region. 

This year, the Shire of Harvey supported 17 local projects with $417,997.60 in funding. 

These projects include:

  • Saturday Night Feeds (Harvey Rotary Club)
  • Harvey Concert 2024 (South West Opera Company)
  • WA Youth Cattle Handler's Camp (WA Youth Cattle Association)
  • Harvey Men's Shed development (Harvey Men's Shed)
  • Networking and capacity building (Harvey Arts Community Hub) 
  • Song Birds Art Exhibition (Harvey Arts Community Hub) 
  • Museum funding and display/storage improvements (Harvey Districts Historical Society)
  • Brunswick Mainstreet activation (Brunswick Town Team)
  • Synthetic green installation (Brunswick Districts Bowling Club)
  • Training and facilities upgrade (St John WA Harvey Sub Centre)
  • Hardshade upgrade (Harvey Bowling Club)
  • Playground fencing for Fees Field (Leschenault Progress Association)
  • Clubroom solar batteries (Harvey Bulls Football Club)
  • Clubhouse extension (Harvey Golf Club)
  • Myalup Masterplan consultancy fees (Myalup Community Association)
  • Camp shed and storage replacement (Binningup Beach Christian Youth Camp)
  • Binningup and Myalup dune stabilisation (Binningup Community Garden) 

The Shire of Harvey Grant Funding Program is generously supported by Alcoa, which this year funded sustainability projects for Brunswick Districts Bowling Club, Harvey Bulls Football Club, Harvey Golf Club and St John WA Harvey Sub Centre. 

Community groups can seek funding across these eight categories:

  • Community Support
  • Placemaking
  • Infrastructure
  • Arts, Culture and Heritage
  • Community Events
  • Athlete Travel Subsidy
  • Alcoa Harvey Sustainability Fund
  • Coastal Communities Fund

Find out more about the Shire of Harvey Community Grant Funding Program. 

Shire of Harvey CEO Annie Riordan and Shire of Harvey Deputy President Cr Michelle Campbell (pictured middle) with 2023-2024 Community Grants Recipients
Shire of Harvey CEO Annie Riordan and Shire of Harvey Deputy President Cr Michelle Campbell (pictured middle) with 2023-2024 Community Grants Recipients
Shire CEO Annie Riordan and Alcoa representative Tom Busher
Shire CEO Annie Riordan and Alcoa representative Tom Busher
Rotary Club of Harvey President Jim Turner with Shire CEO Annie Riordan and Shire Deputy President Cr Michelle Campbell
Rotary Club of Harvey President Jim Turner with Shire CEO Annie Riordan and Shire Deputy President Cr Michelle Campbell
WA Youth Cattle Association's Heidi Bibby with Shire CEO Annie Riordan and Shire Deputy President Cr Michelle Campbell
WA Youth Cattle Association's Heidi Bibby with Shire CEO Annie Riordan and Shire Deputy President Cr Michelle Campbell
Harvey Men Shed's Ted Watt with Shire CEO Annie Riordan and Shire Deputy President Cr Michelle Campbell
Harvey Men Shed's Ted Watt with Shire CEO Annie Riordan and Shire Deputy President Cr Michelle Campbell
Harvey Districts Historical Society's Joan Jacek with Shire CEO Annie Riordan and Shire Deputy President Cr Michelle Campbell
Harvey Districts Historical Society's Joan Jacek with Shire CEO Annie Riordan and Shire Deputy President Cr Michelle Campbell
Brunswick Town Team's Tina Wallis and Ron Exelby with Shire CEO Annie Riordan and Shire Deputy President Cr Michelle Campbell
Brunswick Town Team's Tina Wallis and Ron Exelby with Shire CEO Annie Riordan and Shire Deputy President Cr Michelle Campbell
Brunswick Districts Bowling Club's Maurice Rodgers, Ross Princi and Marg Exton with Shire CEO Annie Riordan and Shire Deputy President Cr Michelle Campbell
Brunswick Districts Bowling Club's Maurice Rodgers, Ross Princi and Marg Exton with Shire CEO Annie Riordan and Shire Deputy President Cr Michelle Campbell
Myalup Community Association's Kurt Zink with with Shire CEO Annie Riordan and Shire Deputy President Cr Michelle Campbell
Myalup Community Association's Kurt Zink with with Shire CEO Annie Riordan and Shire Deputy President Cr Michelle Campbell
Recipients of the 2023 Alcoa Harvey Sustainability Fund with Shire CEO Annie Riordan, Shire Deputy President Cr Michelle Campbell (pictured middle) and Alcoa representative Tom Busher (pictured third from left)
Recipients of the 2023 Alcoa Harvey Sustainability Fund with Shire CEO Annie Riordan, Shire Deputy President Cr Michelle Campbell (pictured middle) and Alcoa representative Tom Busher (pictured third
Leschenault Progress Association's Karen McCarthy with Shire CEO Annie Riordan and Shire Deputy President Cr Michelle Campbell
Leschenault Progress Association's Karen McCarthy with Shire CEO Annie Riordan and Shire Deputy President Cr Michelle Campbell
Harvey Bowling Club's Eileen How with Shire CEO Annie Riordan and Shire Deputy President Cr Michelle Campbell
Harvey Bowling Club's Eileen How with Shire CEO Annie Riordan and Shire Deputy President Cr Michelle Campbell
St John Harvey Sub Centre's Chris Sabourne and Shire Cr Paul Beech with Shire CEO Annie Riordan and Shire Deputy President Cr Michelle Campbell
St John Harvey Sub Centre's Chris Sabourne and Shire Cr Paul Beech with Shire CEO Annie Riordan and Shire Deputy President Cr Michelle Campbell
Shire of Harvey President Cr Paul Gillett with Binningup Community Garden's Sue Della
Shire of Harvey President Cr Paul Gillett with Binningup Community Garden's Sue Della