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Safety Improvements on Old Cathedral Avenue

Safety Improvements on Old Cathedral Avenue
24 Oct 2023

Road safety improvements will begin on Old Cathedral Avenue in January 2024.

Old Cathedral Avenue, a shared path between Bunbury and Buffalo Road, has seen frequent conflicts between pedestrians, cyclists and motor vehicles, posing serious safety risks.

To address this, a safety improvement proposal for Old Cathedral Avenue includes the introduction of signage, bollards and pavement marking to define restricted areas for motorised vehicles and designate "Shared Zones" for mixed use. 

The recommended safety improvements would restrict motorised vehicles to the existing foreshore parking areas only via ‘Shared Zones’

It is intended to implement restrictions by means of the placement of signage, bollards and associated pavement marking at strategic locations.

Signage would advise motorists of the restrictions and the bollards would be a visible deterrent for vehicles trying to access the restricted areas. Signage will also advise motorists to “Give Way to Pedestrians”, making it clear that pedestrians (and cyclists) have the “right-of-way” or priority over motorised vehicles in the ‘Shared Zones’.

Works on installing the signage, bollards and pavement marking are planned for January 2024.

While the works are in progress there may be some temporary disruption to the path users, however all efforts will be made to keep any disruption to an absolute minimum.

Further enquiries

Any enquiries regarding the proposal should be directed to the Shire’s Manager Design and Development Ronnie Wildschut or 9729 0366. 

View the Locality Plan identifying the locations where the improvement will be implemented.