Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

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Harvey Youth Services Update

Harvey Youth Services Update
29 Mar 2023

Shire of Harvey Council has endorsed increasing youth services.

Shire of Harvey Council endorsed increasing resources for youth services at the Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday, 28 March 2023.

Extending youth services to Harvey initially on a monthly basis in the 2023–2024 financial year was also endorsed. 

The decisions were made following a comprehensive Youth Services Review.

Extending services and increasing resources allocated to the Shire was Option Five of Five suggestions presented to Council.  

Option Five was the preferred choice because it was considered agile, responsive and complementary to other service providers.

A detailed and costed program will be developed to discern the level of service and associated resources required.

This will include direct and indirect costs, as well as the expected level of service delivery to community.

At the Ordinary Council Meeting, Council agreed to:

  • 1. Receive the Youth Services Business Case.
  • 2. Endorse Option Five for the extension of youth services to Harvey initially on a monthly basis, commencing in the 2023–2024 financial year.
  • 3. Receive a further report that considers the human and financial resources required for the Shire’s Annual Budget 2023–2024.