Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

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Holiday travel around the Bunbury Outer Ring Road Project

Holiday travel around the Bunbury Outer Ring Road Project
12 Dec 2023

Lane closures and speed reductions will be in place throughout the South West this festive season.

Have you checked out the South West Gateway Alliance's Three Step Guide to the Perfect Holiday Roadtrip?

The Guide is designed to help community members navigate the lane closures and speed reductions in place on sections of Forrest Highway, Bussell Highway and South Western Highway during the festive season. 

This includes:

  • Forrest Highway northbound and southbound traffic switch. Speed reduced to 60km per hour.
  • South Western Highway (north) traffic switch. Speed reduced to 60km per hour.
  • Bussell Highway northbound and southbound traffic switch, operating in a single lane in each direction. Speed reduced to 60km per hour.

This traffic management is designed to help facilitate construction of the Bunbury Outer Ring Road, which is now more than 60 per cent complete.

Please find a summary of the Three Step Guide below. 

  • Step 1 – Plan ahead and understand the traffic changes
    Your bags are packed, the car is loaded, and the holiday season is upon us… but before you ‘start the car!’, make sure you’ve taken the time to plan your road trip carefully and try to avoid travelling during peak hours or peak days if possible. The better prepared you are, the more relaxed you’ll be when you arrive at your destination. Click below to check out the traffic changes this festive season. Main Roads Travel Map - Map
  • Step 2 – Choose your route and enjoy the journey
    Your holiday isn’t just about the destination, it’s also about the journey! Consider which stops will best suit you and your family and what you want to see on your way. Mapping out your intended route will make for a more relaxed and enjoyable drive. Use a mapping tool prior to leaving to see the travel times and possible alternative routes.
  • Step 3 – Expect delays and please be patient
    Our traffic management team has made every effort to minimise disruption and maximise vehicle flow. However, the ongoing road works that are improving our infrastructure may cause delays.This is the biggest infrastructure project ever undertaken in the South West region and we appreciate the impact this has on road users. We appreciate your patience and understanding. Forward planning and choosing your route will help you manage your expected travel time.

Keep up to date with Bunbury Outer Ring Road project news on the Main Roads website. 
Check out Bunbury Outer Ring progess videos on the Main Roads YouTube channel.