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2023-2024 Annual Budget

2023-2024 Annual Budget
11 Aug 2023

See how we're delivering a sustainable future.

The Shire of Harvey is taking the next step towards a bright future with a smart and sustainable Budget that delivers ratepayers more bang for their buck.

Adopted last week at the 8 August Special Council Meeting, the 2023-2024 Annual Budget is a no-nonsense spending plan for the infrastructure, services and activities that make the Harvey Region a fantastic place to live.

Ratepayers will help power core services such as libraries, recreation centers, waste collection, community programs and more, as well as economy-building initiatives that bring visitors to the Region.

Shire of Harvey President Cr Paul Gillett said Council held multiple workshops and consulted with the community to strike the right Budget balance. 

“This Budget reflects an economically tough international climate and the Harvey Region’s growing population,” Cr Gillett said. 

“It also reflects the collaborative approach we took with the community to ensure the needs and interests of ratepayers are adequately supported. 

“We’ve trimmed the fat  and are focusing solely on services, upgrades and high-quality projects that will accommodate our growing population.

“This Budget will progress exciting projects like the Ridley Place Foreshore Redevelopment and Harvey Skatepark, while also facilitating excellent services spanning road upgrades, parks maintenance, ranger activities and more.

“Budget highlights include $500,000 for new playgrounds across Galway Green and Portillo Lane in Binningup and more than $17 million in road construction and upgrades across the Harvey Region. We’re also going to create a public-transport friendly Treendale with $150,000 for bus shelters.” 

The 2023-2024 Annual Budget is a $122 million package sourced primarily from smart investments and other revenue streams. Ratepayers contribute about $25 million. 

Property owners will shortly be receiving Rates Notices and can visit the Shire of Harvey Rates webpage for up-to-date information about payments, including options for residents that need assistance.